Player and Company’s unique strength as a prime contractor comes from seven key areas.
Seven Key Areas:
- Personal attention from top management, who are committed to maintaining the company’s record of completing projects on time and within budget . . . whether large or small, simple or complex.
- Highly qualified personnel: Our project managers, engineers, and field superintendents average 20 years experience in the industry.
- Committment to developing our own multi-craft field forces, to ensure flexibility and control during critical situations, particularly during scheduled plant shutdowns and multi-craft jobs of short duration.
- Our “contractor team” approach to project management: Capable of carrying out every phase of a job from estimating through start-up, our project managers function as automomous contractors – with full home office support – enabling them to bring to your job the individual attention, cooperation, and efficiency you need.
- Solid design capabilities, which time and again have proven to be an intergral part of cost-effective installation, whether or not a project was initially conceived as design/build. Player and Company’s ability to assist owners with design modifications, when asked, is widely appreciated.
- Our comprehensive Atlanta fabricating facility, outfitted with state-of-the-art equipment, is staffed with qualified welders, highly experienced in performing under the stringent requirements of ASME Code and radiographic inspection for carbon and stainless steel, as well as many of the alloy metals. Prefabricated work is carefully planned and detailed by our engineering staff and coordinated with the field to meet on-site conditions, resulting in important savings of time and often cost.
- Knowledge of, and investment in, state-of-the-art equipment: Player and Company is attuned to progressive construction methods and equipment and is committed to continued investment in quality machinery and tools that can make our forces more productive. We believe such investment pays dividends in cost-effectiveness and quality – for you, as well as for us.
Our Commitment to Safety:
Player and Company believes the safety and health of its employees is of primary importance, and has clearly demonstrated this dedication to safety for over fifty years.
A safe work environment does not just happen; it requires commitment by everyone on the job. Player and Company management is fully dedicated to providing a hazard-free work environment that supports our work practices and policies.
It is our company-wide goal to eliminate work-related health injuries to employees and to provide a safe work environment. To achieve this goal, we concentrate our efforts in training and education of employees, continually assess hazards in the workplace, maintain safe operating equipment and associate with safety and health organizations.
Our continual commitment to these standards has resulted in receiving safety awards from the following acclaimed organizations:
- Liberty Mutual Insurance Company
- Cincinnati Insurance Company
- Georgia Department of Labor
- Mechanical Contractors Association of America
- “Drug Free Work Place” Citation from the City of Atlanta
If you recognize and appreciate sound, no-nonsense judgement in project management – the kind developed through years of hands-on field experience . . . if you value quality and service – delivered on time and within budget . . . then you want Player and Company.
We expect you to be tough and demanding. So are we with our own forces. That’s what makes us good – and able to serve you well. Give us an opportunity to prove it on your next job.
Player and Company is an equal opportunity employer.